Dr. Runels,
How are you? Hope all is good. This great!
Patient question, please.
70 year old male presents to office stating that he has enjoyed 5-7 days of sexual activity with his wife status post penial implant at age 66. Reports prior to implant that he had to take Viagra daily/nightly in order to obtain an erection. Penis is 6 inches erect - 4 on outside and 2 that stays within canal with girth just under 2 cm. He is still able to ejaculate and has some sensation, however would like more. Would this individual benefit from the Priapus Shot in anyway, as he is under sure as am I about blood flow s/p implant. (By the way, the wife also enjoys sex daily and is 56 and scheduled an O-Shot!)
Answer. The consensus answer on this seems to be in 3 parts...
1. To NOT do the Priapus Shot® into the SHAFT post implant.
2. Priapus Shot® into the GLANS may be helpful. But it could be risky. Our urologists disagree on this one.
3. IF you do the Priapus Shot® into the glans, do NOT use the vacuum pump if they have an implant.
Please pay very careful attention to their answers from the urologists in our group of Priapus Shot® providers.
Providers and patients feel free to add to the comments.
Research about O-Shot® methods used for chronic mesh pain.
Research about PRP use for restoration of nerve tissue/sensation.
I would not recommend doing a p-shot on someone status post inflatable penile implant as it would injure the implant and worsen the entire situation. I would recommend having his T levels checked as I have found that this sometimes effects sensitivity.
Quinton Cancel, MD
Is pshot good for premature ejaculation
Here’s the answer to premature ejaculation…
I will have my implant removed because it’s the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I was ok with pills so I don’t know why did I do it, the doctor pushed me for it and manipulated me with lies. It’s the most invasive and painful thing ever, horrendous. I think I will try PRP afterwards to see if I can restore my erections