Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) Procedure Research
- Israeli, Joseph M., Soum D. Lokeshwar, Iakov V. Efimenko, Thomas A. Masterson, and Ranjith Ramasamy. “The Potential of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections and Stem Cell Therapy for Penile Rejuvenation.” International Journal of Impotence Research, November 6, 2021, 1–8.
- Poulios, Evangelos, Ioannis Mykoniatis, Nikolaos Pyrgidis, Filimon Zilotis, Paraskevi Kapoteli, Dimitrios Kotsiris, Dimitrios Kalyvianakis, and Dimitrios Hatzichristou. “Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Improves Erectile Function: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.” Journal of Sexual Medicine 18, no. 5 (May 1, 2021): 926–35. A very helpful study; but, interesting that they did this study and claim to be "the first clinical trial exploring the role of PRP in the management of ED" as if all the other papers on this page do not exist.
- Bosma-Den Boer, Margarethe M., Marie Louise Van Wetten, and Leo Pruimboom. “Chronic Inflammatory Diseases Are Stimulated by Current Lifestyle: How Diet, Stress Levels and Medication Prevent Our Body from Recovering.” Nutrition and Metabolism 9 (2012).
Casabona, Francesco, Ilaria Gambelli, Federica Casabona, Pierluigi Santi, Gregorio Santori, and Ilaria Baldelli. “Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Chronic Penile Lichen Sclerosus: The Impact on Tissue Repair and Patient Quality of Life.” International Urology and Nephrology 49, no. 4 (April 2017): 573–80.
- Chung. “A Review of Current and Emerging Therapeutic Options for Erectile Dysfunction.” Medical Sciences 7, no. 9 (August 29, 2019): 91.
- Chung, Eric. “Medical Sciences A Review of Current and Emerging Therapeutic Options for Erectile Dysfunction,” 2019, 1–11.
- Everts, Peter, Kentaro Onishi, Prathap Jayaram, José Fábio Lana, and Kenneth Mautner. “Platelet-Rich Plasma: New Performance Understandings and Therapeutic Considerations in 2020.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, no. 20 (October 21, 2020): 7794.
- Kumar, C.S. “265 Combined Treatment of Injecting Platelet Rich Plasma With Vacuum Pump for Penile Enlargement.” The Journal of Sexual Medicine 14, no. 1 (January 2017): S78.
- Lee, Ping-Jui, Yuan-Hong Jiang, and Hann-Chorng Kuo. “A Novel Management for Postprostatectomy Urinary Incontinence: Platelet-Rich Plasma Urethral Sphincter Injection.” Scientific Reports | 11 (123AD): 5371.
- Littara, A., B. Palmieri, V. Rottigni, and T. Iannitti. “A Clinical Study to Assess the Effectiveness of a Hyaluronic Acid-Based Procedure for Treatment of Premature Ejaculation.” International Journal of Impotence Research 25, no. 3 (2013).
- Liu, Ming-Che, Meng-Lin Chang, Ya-Chun Wang, Wei-Hung Chen, Chien-Chih Wu, and Shauh-Der Yeh. “Revisiting the Regenerative Therapeutic Advances Towards Erectile Dysfunction.” Cells 9, no. 5 (May 19, 2020): 1250.
- Matz, Ethan L, Amy M Pearlman, and Ryan P Terlecki. “Safety and Feasibility of Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix Injections for Treatment of Common Urologic Conditions.” Investigative and Clinical Urology 59, no. 1 (January 2018): 61–65.
- Raheem, Amr Abdel, Giulio Garaffa, Tarek Abdel Raheem, Michelle Dixon, Amanda Kayes, Nim Christopher, and David Ralph. “The Role of Vacuum Pump Therapy to Mechanically Straighten the Penis in Peyronie’s Disease.” BJU International 106, no. 8 (2010): 1178–80. We use the P-Shot® in combination with Vacuum Pump to treat Peyronie's disease (click to see more)<-
- Ruffo, A., M. Franco, E. Illiano, and N. Stanojevic. “Effectiveness and Safety of Platelet Rich Plasma (PrP) Cavernosal Injections plus External Shock Wave Treatment for Penile Erectile Dysfunction: First Results from a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Interventional Study.” European Urology Supplements 18, no. 1 (March 2019): e1622–23.
- Towe, Maxwell, Akhil Peta, Russell G. Saltzman, Navin Balaji, Kevin Chu, and Ranjith Ramasamy. “The Use of Combination Regenerative Therapies for Erectile Dysfunction: Rationale and Current Status.” International Journal of Impotence Research, July 12, 2021, 1–4.
The following lecture regards the female genitalia, but the ideas carry over to the male genitalia...
- Priapus Shot® for improved erectile function and for Peyronie's<--click<--
- Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) procedure for growth (click)<--
- Priapus Shot® procedure helps regenerate new nerve (post prostate surgery)
- More research showing how PRP prepared and used properly can facilitate new nerve growth (for improved sensation and function).
- Priapus Shot® procedure first suggested as possibility ("growth factors) in J Urol 2003
- Treating BXO (lichen sclerosus) with the Priapus Shot® procedure

Find the nearest Priapus Shot® provider (those not on this list are not certified to do the procedure and are illegal imposters) Click<--
- Peyronie's Disease. This text gives an excellent review of the various treatments for Peyronie's disease. It was written 5 years after the Priapus Shot® procedure was invented. Page 164 refers to the Priapus Shot® procedure.
- With surgery, "recurrence and ED rates[s] are high and some patients may experience permanent loss of sensation." "...not acceptable to many patients because the 'loss' of penile length."
- Combination therapy works better than one therapy alone (there can be a synergy).
- Pump therapy corrected 51% of men-- satisfied with pump therapy alone (10 minutes twice a day). They did no other therapy in combination with the pump. Side effect was increase in length. This study in rats shows why the pump may help (click).
- CoQ10 in double blind study.
- Vitamin E. 1,200 IU daily.
- Platelet rich plasma plasma for fibrosis and scar treatment.
- Platelet rich plasma for autoimmune.
- Platelet rich plasma for lichen sclerosus.
- PRP supporting Priapus Shot® for Peyronie's Disease
- Another study indicating that the Priapus Shot® could be more beneficial and with fewer side effects than Xiapex for Peyronie's
- Correct Testosterone deficiency to help Peyronie's. Here's a link to all the tests I normally do.
- Walking associated with decreased inflammation and improved erection. For full benefit, it's best if the man works up to 21-25 miles per week.
- Cialis daily alone or in combination.
- Safety Information about Xiaflex (collagenase).
Notice that the rate of ED is 0.4% in placebo and 1.8% in the Xiaflex group
--> So, the implied incidence of ED from Xiafex would be 1.8 - 0.4 = 1.4% Also, note that the rate of known rupture from Xiaflex is 0.5%. The rate of possible rupture (heard a popping sound or extensive bruising, etc.) was 0.9%.
0.5 + 0.9 = 1.4% (click here to see the warning box). So, both of those stats support a rate of rupture/ED secondary to Xiaflex would be around 1.4% or 1 in 70. - Physicians and nurse practitioners click to apply to join our group of Priapus Shot® providers.
Since the tissue is analogous, it may be helpful to also consider research regarding the O-Shot® procedure<--
hello ; how much Vitamin E should I take with my Priapus shot and how much Q-10 should I take ? also how much L-arginine should I take ?
Is there anything else in the line of Nutrition I should take with my Priapus Shot to increase the Platelets so I get the most out of my injection ?
Also can I pump my penis right after the shots are injected ?
yes, you can pump immediately after and should.
all the amounts are listed here…
Suggested amounts here…(talk with your doctor first)…
Every question you ever had about a PShot with Stem Cell Penis injections @UtahStemCells. In depth interview that’ll answer all of your questions about this amazing technology. Stem Cells in your PShot Cock Tail! How long does it last? How long will it makes me? Will I get a fatter penis? They hit them all! Watch full video:
Great Protocol, Dr. Runels and thanks for all the info. You have really done the research for us. I am excited to offer this great treatment protocol to my patients with ED and Peyronie’s and I think it is superior to any other combination of treatments or surgery!
What is the cost for 3 shots and where can I get your treatment?
Thank you
Jason Russell
Every question you ever had about a PShot with Stem Cell Penis injections @UtahStemCells. In depth interview that’ll answer all of your questions about this amazing technology. Stem Cells in your PShot Cock Tail! How long does it last? How long will it makes me? Will I get a fatter penis? They hit them all! Watch full video:
This is a very interesting therapy. Since there is not a lot of clinical data published on the use of PRP for this particular indication, I have a series of questions for you.(See 4 results at
1. What are your thoughts on TGF-b1 neutralization of PRP to reduce the risk of fibrosis? Is this done for the Priapus shot preparation?
Customized platelet-rich plasma with transforming growth factor β1 neutralization antibody to reduce fibrosis in skeletal muscle.
Li H, Hicks JJ, Wang L, Oyster N, Philippon MJ, Hurwitz S, Hogan MV, Huard J.
Biomaterials. 2016 May;87:147-56. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.02.017. Epub 2016 Feb 17
2. Given the limitation of the Cochrane method, how do you respond to this recent review? Is the Priapus therapy targeting primarily scar tissue or generally soft tissue injuries? Are there any randomized clinical studies in progress using Priapus?
How effective are platelet rich plasma injections in treating musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries?
Keene DJ, Alsousou J, Willett K.
BMJ. 2016 Feb 17;352:i517. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i517.
3. What do you think is the mechanism of penis enlargement? If the PRP growth factors are targeted to healing and resolving scar tissue, is the enlargement a result of that healing? Or do you believe that de novo growth is achieved in the absence of scar tissue?
I am researching therapies for ED and am interested to know your thoughts.
Thank you,
I recently received the Priapus shot treatment. The Doctor gave me a sheet that listed the diagnoses but said he did not know the ICD 10 procedure code. I would like to try to get the cost reimbursed by my insurance or RMA (medical savings account). Can you give a procedure code for the shot?
The Priapus Shot utilizes the power of platelet-enriched blood plasma collected from the patient s own body. The doctor injects the platelet-rich plasma, which encourages and stimulates the body s natural healing and restoration process. In total, the procedure usually takes less than half an hour.
I have primary hypogonadism and I would consider the shots to increase my length.
What is a realistic expectation there? What is the range of results and percentages for each increase in length?
My testosterone levels are mid 600’s with gel. I’ve been thinking of adding Sermorelin to jump start HGH.
Can one use Trimix after a Priapus shot? Will it contraindicate or diminish the results of the Priapus shot. If so, how long should one refrain from taking trimix?
I would like research articles on P Shot for ED
Scroll to the top of this page and click all the links on the page and read.